Covid 19 in the year 2020
A message from your Chief Eyewear Optician

I was SO excited for the year 2020….
Optically speaking, it was going to be OUR year. Opticians had been looking forward to this year, the memes were out of control “20/20 in 2020”…..#2020ismyyear everywhere…
Little did we know Covid-19 was going to suck the wind out of our 2020 high.
While the impact of this global pandemic has deflated us, it hasn’t defeated us. Occhiali promises to use this time wisely in order to be stronger and better than ever before. We will sharpen our skills by participating in training webinars provided by our manufactures. Our team has enrolled in continuing education courses and is ceasing opportunities to improve our knowledge in order to serve our clients better. We are re-evaluating all internal procedures in order to elevate our efficiencies and determine areas for improvement.
On a personal note, it has been extremely difficult to accept what is happening to our world, our friends and family…and this business. I have been in this industry for 25 years and this boutique is my heart and my dream come true. A dream that was attained with a lot of sacrifice, sweat and tears. It is my pure joy and true passion. Anyone who truly knows me, knows that I absolutely love EVERYTHING about eyewear. On March 18th, we had to face a reality that any small business owner would never want to face. We faced the decision to put the business on life support. Heartbreaking. It’s the only word. We stay here in this place until further notice. I will continue to nourish Occhiali to the best of my ability and expect nothing less than a full recovery.
The safety of our family and yours is my priority. Until it is deemed safe to do otherwise, the store is open by appointment for urgent needs with only one client being safely served at a time. We are also offering curbside service and complimentary shipping.
Please call to schedule if we can serve you.
PLEASE, be safe. I miss each of your eyeballs!
Sara McDaniel, ABOC,
Chief Eyewear Optician
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